Friday, January 28, 2005

Busy Busy Bumble-bee

Ok frankly I need to make this quick. I can't beleive it, but within 2 days of having a working PC, I'm ogged down with multimedia work. I have;

1 ) The SHIMA page to complete. I'm 90% there.. should be at 100% by the end of the night.
2) New the Sask Radiologists Assoc. webpage. Still waiting on word for this one, but once I get it, I'm expected some quick response times.
3) My friend and co-media-ist Rob needs a portfolio done by Friday morning. I have to design, build and test drive it before Friday morning. A tight schedule to be sure.
4) Keep up with the Pylon... of which I still need to send the first newsletter out and do 3-4 write-ups for this week.
5) I still have a job to do.

So yeah Busy week, you might not hear much from me here, but I'll keep y'all posted.


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