Monday, December 13, 2004

My Girlfriend is Cute

Cute. Its not a word I use very often, and frankly it usually makes me sick. But my girlfriend is the textbook definition of cute. I'm listening to her right now talking to her mom on the phone. She's trying to tell her mom about the video clips we saw on John Stewart last night of US Secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld fielding questions from the troops. Basically the troops were wondering why they aren't being protected and why they can't go home and Donnie was being a moron... to the point where I despaired for the old fucks life. So anyway Shawna is trying to tell her mom about this and although she gets the idea right; "Donald Rumsfeld is a moron", the story she's telling her mom is incomplete and for the most part incorrect. And she's fucking PASSIONATE about it... she hates Rumsfeld, but really doesn't seem to know why. It's cute. But I won't point anything out. Yes if she were to get into a real political discussion, she'd look like a dimwit, but the bottom line is, she hates a member of Bush's cabinet, so we'll forgive her right?

I've been listening to Green Day's "American Idiot" (album, not song.. idiot) like non-stop for three days. I'm obsessed. Its like the first time I listened to Tommy. I haven't felt this way about an album in about 2 years. I walk around town with my MP3 player on my head and a huge tent-pole in my pants. It's just that good. I just really can't say enough about it... everytime i hear it, it gets better. Its by far Green Days best, and possibly one of the best albums of all time. Did I mention its fucking awesome, because it is. It's fucking awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:44 pm

    This is Shanna...

    OK, that's not that cute. That's ignorant (Sorry Shawna!!!! I just mean that you don't know all the facts necessarily. Damn, I'm digging myself a hole!!!) But I'm sure she's cute in other ways.

    Yes, I haven't heard the whole album, but I know it kicks ass. Green Days biggest accomplishment of their career from what I'm hearing.

    Anyway, 12 days until Christmas!!!! I'm so excited. I just right now finished wrapping my presents. Now I need to bake. And bake. And bake.

    Anyway, I wanna go do other things with this IE window, so I'm finished typing.
