Friday, December 03, 2004

I can't spell!

Did anyone read my last entry... Christ... I made like 10 spelling mistakes. I'm a retard.... or I type too fast. Yeah thats it.

So somthing funny happened to me today that wasn't my fault for a change. I got the clippers out and trimmed my hair (I'm a tightwad, so cut my own hair). I needed help straigtening the back, so I took the guard off the clippers and called Shawna. The first thing she did was shave a strip to the skin right down the middle of the back of my head. So I just shaved it all off... and I'm bald for a bit.. naturally it's FUCKING COLD out right now... so that makes it much better. OH well seems everytime I shave myself bald its like -50 C out.

I had a weird dream last night that my mom and my sister Michelle and I were sitting around talking and once again, Michelle starts putting me down for shit I've never done. Then she brings up this "former roommate named Marcus" (I've never had a roommate named Marcus)., that i apparantly hated for no reason. I argued that she just had a crush on him and he STUNK REALLY BAD... and that's why I hated him. SO then we turn to the TV and this reality show is on like Much or something and this "Marcus" guy is on... and they're just totally putting him down, telling him how much he smells and crap. Then they show a video that apparantly Bush (brit nirvana-bee band) wrote about how much he stinks. All I remember is the song sounded like an Avril Lavigne song sung by Bush. So I start motioning to the TV as in "SEE HE STINKS" and Michelle just ignores it and looks away. Then I woke up. Man I have some weird dreams.


  1. Anonymous7:59 am

    This is Shanna.

    Yeah, you can't spell. I didn't point it out because I was trying to spare your feelings.

    Bald...hehe. I've been thinking of going blue. Thought about going blue before this weekend so that I could shock the grandparents, but it never happened.

    HAHAHAHAHA!! My dreams are crazy like that too...but different. Anyway, I'm insulted that you never dream about me. :(

    Anyhoo, I better go get dressed because I have a final in an hour. Then I'm off to the downtown to catch a bus to Regina. See ya Sunday night or whenever I talk to you next!!!

  2. Anonymous1:34 pm

    This is your Catholic Latino counterpart Dave!

    So what do you really mean when you say "the balls are in motion" And you wrote that on a Thursday, hmmm, preparing for Friday I presume? Anyways, this whole thing stinks! You're pathetic! Get a haircut, and get a real job! I fart in your general direction! Down with Pilotsworld! muhahahaha.........okay, I'm bored, can you tell?

  3. Anonymous6:14 pm


    Ahemmm! I resent these allegations of smelling bad. I have average to good hygiene. I have never received any complaints. I know what dreams mean. If you don't want to be my friend anymore just tell me.
