Thursday, November 11, 2004

I overflowed the tub

Ok, so last night I was finished working on Pilot's World, and decided to take a quick bath to wash my internet stank off. I started the tub and while I was waiting for it to fill, I decided to run back to the computer and fill out a few more things one one of my useless lists. I do that and go back to the bathroom and step into 1/2 an inch of water. Fucking hell. So I end up using a damn blanket to get all the water sopped up. That'll teach me for trying to be clean. Guess I'll just smell and be unpopular for the rest of my natural life.

Pilot's World is making some progress. I've got this blog up and running, the main page and table of contents are designed and filled out for the most part, I've started the photo album and I'm almost done my first useless list. NOw all I need is somewhere to host this damn thing. There's the problem. I need a site where they aren't forcing banner ads on me. I might just settle for a pop-up ad service. Although it would be annoying, it wouldn't screw up my designs by pushing stuff around with banners. Oh yeah and I have a cool short name for it Bookmark it... and you can go check out the first page (and how shitty it looks with banners.

So left to do,
- Photo Gallery (for Shanna)
- website dedicated e-mail (I might settle for
- Post website somewhere (there is one service, but it's kinda annoying)
- Scratch my ass
- Do some reviews, and anything else that comes to mind as I build.

So this should keep me busy for the remainder of the day. It reminds me how much I hate the internet, God bless it!

Also contemplating my supper... thinking I'll go heavy on the carbs, maybe just a sack of flower with some salt. Mmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:31 pm

    This is Shanna.

