Sunday, November 21, 2004

I am eating a banana whilst writing this

I've been flamed by an American! Yeah! Only helps fan the flames of hatred I have for that country. Oh well, I'm sure he won't be back.

So what to talk about. I just played Alien Hominid on Pretty fucking fun, despite the fact that I only made it like 2 feet. It's coming out for PS2 and GameCube, so that should be cool.

Got the new APC album eMOTIVe. Pretty damn cool too. Everytime Maynard puts out a new album, be it with Tool or APC, he pushes new vocal ground... it blows my mind. Also bought music online for the first time yesterday. Well actually I got a coupon in the mail so I used it. Well bottom line is I got music LEGALLY online. It was really easy and not too expensive. I think I might actually do it again.

Well I have a couple website proposals I'm supposed to do, so I guess I better get on it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:11 pm

    This is Shanna.

    Yeah, fuck the Americans. Or at least half of them. After that defeat, the other half wanna come here!

    You know what's great about Alien Hominid?? It shows that you can be some kid in a basement programming and aspire to something great. The video game industry truly isn't that far away.

    Anyway, go make webpages!! NOW!!
