Yes yes, I know. It's been a while. And I didn't exactly leave things in any sort of good way. But then again, does a real blogger ever QUIT blogging?
According to this post, no they do not.
So why start back up now? Well a few reasons but the biggest one is that I'm now stuck at home for an indefinite period of time due to the COVID-19 break-out and I wanted to journal a bit of that. Additionally, I write for a living now and I need somewhere to practice a bit and keep my skills up. MAD skillz.
So what have I been up to between Steven Harper banishing the penny and the world coming to a screeching halt? Are these things connected? Did I ever finish watching all of Lost? All excellent questions, all will be answered in time.
In the last eight years, things have been interesting. I think I'd already built my full complement of children by the time I posted last, Tai, Kayah and Jonas. We moved to a bigger house in 2014 and we've been living the 'hood life with them and 3 animals.
Yeah, three animals. For those who followed this blog but somehow didn't keep up with me otherwise, the sweet beauty that was Bootsy passed away back in 2014 not long after we moved. It wasn't necessarily a clean end and it still breaks my heart to think of those final weeks with someone so gentle.
Before Bootsy left us we did welcome another pet into the household however, Chopstick the tabby cat. We had a bit of a mouse problem and Choppy was simply the best in the business- and he hasn't let us down. We experienced nothing short of disaster when some jackwagon from the neighbourhood shot poor Choppy in the butt, vaporizing the bones in one of his hind legs. He survived but lost a leg. He can still catch mice like no one's business. You don't mess with Chop.
Finally, Bootsy somehow returned to us in the form of an adult-female husky named Leika that we adopted in October 2014. She's the embodiment of that dog and has proven to be an excellent caregiver to our children and a kind loving companion.
The Criminal Kid found it's end in around 2015-16 (it was all a little fuzzy). We're still all friends and do jam on occasion - lots of stories there but for another time. I did putz around a few other bands but have frankly struggled to play with anyone for the last 5 years or so. To supplement, I started a radio show with my brother, Andrew, called The Cockpit on 91.3 FM CJTR in Regina. My involvement with the station has been very intense and I find myself currently the president of the Board of Directors for the station. A trying job in trying times I can assure you.
Well, that's about enough updates for now. I'll post again tomorrow - probably more COVID-19 related because there are some thoughts and observations I'd like to write down at this early part of the disaster. We'll do more catching up in the weeks ahead. I have stories to tell and I'm looking forward to talking to you again.